I was in need to write function to generate pseudo-random strings that are easier to remember and type for a human. To use either for passwords or let's say random coupon codes.
In my search I came across this solution. It sure works, but does not look pretty enough.
def self.random_password
c = %w( b c d f g h j k l m n p qu r s t v w x z ) +
%w( ch cr fr nd ng nk nt ph pr rd sh sl sp st th tr )
v = %w( a e i o u y )
f, r = true, ''
6.times do
r << ( f ? c[ rand * c.size ] : v[ rand * v.size ] )
f = !f
2.times do
r << ( rand( 9 ) + 1 ).to_s
So I decided to do my own. After few modifications I came up with example below:
class Array
def rand
def random_password size=4
c = %w(b c d f g h j k l m n p qu r s t v w x z ch cr fr nd ng nk nt ph pr rd sh sl sp st th tr)
v = %w(a e i o u y)
(0...size).reduce('') { |r| r << c.rand << v.rand }
All together it's not really any shorter, but function itself is less than half the size of the original, and as a side effect, there's also Array.rand