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Іван Франко

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19 June 2015


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Banalize: Bash static code analyzerDBIx::Report::ExcelShell settings, AKA dotfilesNagios Monitoring for Couchbase serverNagira: RESTful API for NagiosStartpack for Github pages developmentWeb iPhoto

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Україномовний блог Витрішки - блог про все, крім роботи. Цикл статей "Літо на півночі Японії" з цього блогу тепер опублікований у Витрішках

Computer Blog All posts »

iPhoto and files permission Is MacOSX 10.9 == MacOS 9.x? Running Chef roles from Capistrano und Capiche Github & Jekyll: Speeding up Jekyll siteGithub & Jekyll: More experience with Jekyll and setup changesBuild new hosts with Capistrano and Chef Request Tracker: More about custom CSS for RT4Ruby 2 test drive Nagira v0.2.5 release It's UNIX my dear Watson

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Nagira @TLUG, 2012Rspec and Guard


Ярило Yarylo, Jarilo me @ github me @ CPAN Dmytro (CV)

My Really Low Tech Music Player


Small script to play music collection from commands line.

Really minimalistic Ruby script to shuffle audio files and play them randomly form disk No GUI, very little contol, just enough for simply playing music. Script randomizes list of files and plays them in random order, Ctrl-C skips current song and goes to the next, Ctrl-Z exits script.

Source code


Before using script generate list of songs with:

find PATH/TO/THE/LIBARY -type f > music.list

Creating "playlists" is just grep:

grep Beatles music.list > favorites.list
grep "Deep Purple" music.list >> favorites.list

дмитро ковальов
dmytro @ github