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Іван Франко

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19 June 2015


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iPhoto and files permission Is MacOSX 10.9 == MacOS 9.x? Running Chef roles from Capistrano und Capiche Github & Jekyll: Speeding up Jekyll siteGithub & Jekyll: More experience with Jekyll and setup changesBuild new hosts with Capistrano and Chef Request Tracker: More about custom CSS for RT4Ruby 2 test drive Nagira v0.2.5 release It's UNIX my dear Watson

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Як перетворити системний диск в case-sensitive

З цієї сторінки

Create a case-sensitive HFS boot disk

‘’Authored by: jay2 on Tue, Feb 8 ’05 at 02:18PM’’

I’ve set up two macs (both running 10.3.x) with case-sensitive boot disks by doing the following:

  • use carbon copy cloner to make a bootable backup on a firewire disk
  • boot from the backup
  • open a terminal window and incant:
    + sudo diskutil eraseVolume “Case-sensitive HFS+” “Macintosh HD” /Volumes/Macintosh HD
    + (that’s all on one line)
  • restore from the backup to the newly formatted HD

cccloner makes it a piece of cake. i did this over a year ago, and have had no problems with case-sensitive hfs+.

дмитро ковальов
dmytro @ github