Series: Request Tracker
Back to index »RT, Request Tracker is a great tool but not the easiest one to use, and certainly not among the prettiest. Some custimizations and development for RT made by me in the course of using and adapring RT for my own taste.
RT4 can be less ugly
This article is Part 1 in a 2-Part Series. (18 July 2012)
RT4 has added possibility to have custom user CSS. This addition to CSS make system actions to stand out less: smaller fonts, and less contrast.
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This article is Part 2 in a 2-Part Series. (15 May 2013)
I've received a question to my previous blog - [RT can be less ugly](/2012/07/18/rt-custom-css.html). Question basically was, OK I have CSS, now where do I add it?
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