Pes Sirko
Pes Sirko

Ж╕нка й насипала. В╕н С╕рков╕ набрав у полумисок: так уже йому годить, щоб в╕н часом гарячими не поп╕кся!

Ото С╕рко й дума╓:"Треба мен╕ в╕ддячити вовков╕, що в╕н мен╕ таку вигоду зробив".

А той чолов╕к д╕ждавшись м'ясниць, в╕дда╓ свою дочку зам╕ж. С╕рко п╕шов у поле, знайшов там вовка та й каже йому:

- Прийди в нед╕лю ввечер╕ до нашого городу, а я тебе введу в хату та в╕ддячу тоб╕ за те, що ти мен╕ добро зробив.

The mistress set the dumplings on the table, and the master filled a dish full of them and gave the dish to Sirko. And he blew on them lest Sirko burn himself while he ate.

"I must repay the Wolf for his kindness," said Sirko to himself.

Now, Sirko's master, who had waited till it was the season for eating meat, prepared tomarry off his eldest daughter.

Sirko went out in to the field, found the Wolf there and said to him:

"Come to our vegetable garden toward evening on Sunday. I will take you in to the house and repay you for your kindness."

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Natalya and Dmytro Kovalev
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Останн╕ зм╕ни внесен╕: Fri Mar 12 08:41:34 JST 1999