Pes Sirko
Pes Sirko

У жнива вийшли той чолов╕к ╕ ж╕нка в поле жати. Ж╕нка поклала маленьку дитину п╕д копою, а сама й жне б╕ля чолов╕ка. Коли це вовк б╕жить житом, схопив ту дитину та й кинувся навт╕ки.

С╕рко погнався за вовком, доганя╓ його , а чолов╕к кричить:   - Ату його С╕рко!  С╕рко догнав того вовка, в╕дняв дитину, прин╕с ╖╖ до чолов╕ка та й в╕ддав йому. Тод╕ той чолов╕к вийняв з торби хл╕б ╕ шмат сала та й каже:

The time to reap the wheat came, and the master and mistress went to the field. The mistress left her baby beside a straw stack and herself jointed her husband and set to work. They were not at it very long when the Wolf run up. He seized the baby and ran off with it across the field. Sirko ran after him, and his master cried:

"Catch him, Sirko!"

Sirko caught up with the Wolf, snatched the baby away from him, and brought it back to his master. And his master got out some bread and a piece of bacon from a sack and said:

-На, С╕рко, ╖ж - за те, що не дав вовков╕ дитини з'╖сти!

А коли ввечер╕ йшли з поля , то покликали ╕ С╕рка. Прийшли додому, чолов╕к ╕ каже:

- Ж╕нко, вари гречан╕ галушки та сито ╖х салом затовчи!

Т╕льки вони зварилися, в╕н садовить С╕рка за ст╕л, с╕в сам коло нього та й каже:

- А сип, ж╕нко, галушки, та будемо вечеряти.

"Here, Sirko, eat your fill! This is to thank you for saving our baby."

Evening came, the master and mistress went home, and they took Sirko with them. They went in to the house, and the master said:

" Make us an extra dish of dumplings, wife, and don't spare the fat!"

The dumplings were soon ready, and the master seated Sirko at the table and sat down beside him.

"Serve the dumplings, wife!" said he. "We're going to have our supper."

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Natalya and Dmytro Kovalev
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