Pes Sirko
Pes Sirko

- Не сп╕вай, бо обидва пропадемо - ╕ я, ╕ ти.

- Ой, не видержу - сп╕ватиму!

Та як зави╓ п╕д столом! Люди посхоплювались, - туди-сюди, п╕д ст╕л, - аж там вовк.

- Бийте вовка! - ╤ почастували вовка палицями, вилами та рогачами так, що в╕н ледь живий лишився.

"Don't do it or we'll both pay wiht our lives for it!" Sirko said.

"I can't help myself, I'm going to sing and that's the end of it!" the Wolf cried again, and he let out a terrific howl from under the table!

"Let's beat the Wolf! and they treated him to sticks, pitchforks, and oven prongs so strongly, thet he hardly came alive.

Зустр╕чаються старий С╕рко ╕ вовк уже в л╕с╕:

- Чому ти мене одного лишив? Мало мене не вбили!

- Та я не м╕г тебе встерегти. ╤ мен╕ за тебе могли пол╕чити ребра.

Раптом б╕жить лисиця, мокра, страшна...

- Зв╕дки ти, лисице, вт╕ка╓ш?

- Ой... Ой... ╤ не питай мене , вовчику... Через тебе ╕ мене побили на вес╕лл╕.

Пожал╕в вовк лисицю.

The old dog named Sirko met the Wolf befor long in the forest.

"Why did you leave me alone?" asked the Wolf. "They could kill me."

"I couldn't keep you from them there. They were able to break my ribs because of you."

Suddently cropped the Fox up. She was running, wringing wet and terrible.

"Where are you escaping from, the Fox?"

"Ouch... Ouch... Don't ask me about that, my dear Wolf... I was beating at the wadding because of you."

The Wolf felt sorry for her.

- С╕дай-но мен╕ на спину, так ╕ бути донесу тебе додому...

Прин╕с вовк лисицю в густий л╕с.

А коли одужали обо╓, то в╕дразу справили сво╓ вес╕лля. А вес╕льним батьком вовк ╕ лисиця запросили щирого пса.

╤ я на тому вес╕лл╕ був, мед-гор╕лочку пив, по вусах текло, а в рот не попало...

"All right! Sit on my back up. I'll carry you home."

The Wolf brought the Fox to a tick forest.

As soon as the Wolf and the Fox Became well, both cerebrated their wedding. The chif member of the wedding was the true dog.

As a matter of fact, I was also at that wedding.

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Natalya and Dmytro Kovalev
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