Nagios objects naming and XML

When using Nagira API in XML mode, please pay attention to names of your Nagios objects. XML is much stricter in the tag naming than YAML or JSON, or than Nagios in respect to its object names.

For example, having timeperiod named '24x7' (by defaults coming with most Nagios installations) will break XML validators. Nagira will still produce XML output on GET /objects but most of validators and parsers (including web browsers) will not process this XML.

RSpec tests fail to parse XML

Accordingly test will fail if your production objects file has definition of such an object.

For example running Nagira test with production data file in typical Nagios installation produces this error:

RACK_ENV=production rspec -fd


Finished in 1.67 seconds
99 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/01_nagira_response_spec.rb:64 # Nagira data format check _objects xml xml should be parseable

Error reproted

REXML reports following:

  #<REXML::ParseException: malformed XML: missing tag start

Both JSON and YAML both producers and consumers work OK with such names.


So, basically you have two possible solutions:

RSpec tests can help to identify your problems. Just run rspec at the top of project tree (or RACK_ENV=production rspec if you're resting your production installation) to see any errors reported.