Source of scanner/lib/Uliska/

        use strict;

=head1 NAME

scanner/lib/Uliska/ - Perl module for Uliska inventory
scanner for Darwin OS (AKA MacOSX)


  use Uliska::Darwin;
  my $os = Uliska->init("Darwin");
  $os->run() if defined $os;


This is top-level OS module for Darwin OS (MacOSX).

Is is called and executed from C script. Together with this
module other modules can be called:

- Uliska::Darwin::
- Uliska::Darwin::

Module executes commands from cfg/generic_bsd.cfg


package Uliska::Darwin;
sub new { my $self = shift; return $self }
sub run { main::executeList(main::read_commands('generic_bsd')) }
