

Braces For Variables

Always use braces to isolate variables $a


Use braces around variables

To prevent wrong expansion of variables always use braces around
variables. I.e.


echo $fooshine     # $fooshine is undefined
echo ${foo}shine   # displays the word "sunshine"

Comment Coverage

Script file should be commented. check percentage of code vs commetns


No description available for CommentCoverage

Consistent Indents

All lines must be indented consistenly


When indenting the code all leading line indents should use the same
character: either all spaces or all tabs, but not mixed.

Explicitly Define Path Variable

Explicitly define path variable


PATH varaible  should be defined  explicitly in the script.  It should
*only* list absolute path names and does not have $PATH variable.


It  is always  a good  idea  to be  careful about  $PATH settings  and
pathnames  when writing shell  scripts. This  allows them  to function
correctly even  when the  user invoking your  script has  some strange
$PATH set in their environment.

 There are two acceptable ways to do this:

 (1) make *all* command references in your script use explicit pathnames:

/usr/bin/chown root bar
/usr/bin/chgrp sys bar
 or (2) explicitly reset $PATH in your script:

PATH=/usr/bin; export PATH

chown root bar
chgrp sys bar

DO NOT  use a  mixture of  (1) and (2)  in the  same script.  Pick one
method and use it consistently.

Indentation Style

All lines must be indented accordingly to defined style


When indenting the code, all  leading line indents should use the same
character: either all SPACES or all TABS, specified by the indentation

Indenation style can be set in personal style file. Set it to :tabs or
:spaces. See for details.

Max Line Length

The line length must not exceed max number of characters


Github code browser screen width

Max line width: 105 chars.

Github pull request and online code viewer is about 108 characters
wide.  To be able to browse  code on github without need to scroll
left-right,  limit line  length to  105 characters,  to accomodate
some extra characters Git adds for diffs (`+ `).

Minus N Syntax Check

Bash syntax check


This policy runs syntax check using 'bash -n' option.

Shebang Format

Shebang format


Format of shebang should be #!/usr/bin/env bash

Trailing Spaces

Code lines should not have spaces or tabs at the end


No description available for TrailingSpaces

Uninitialized Variables

Variables should be explicitly initialized


Variable initialization

As in C, it's always a good idea to initialize your variables, though,
the  shell  will  initialize  fresh variables  itself  (better:  Unset
variables   will  generally   behave  like   variables   containing  a

It's  no problem  to pass  a variable  you use  as environment  to the
script. If you blindly assume that all variables you use are empty for
the first time, somebody can inject a variable content by just passing
it in the environment.

The solution is simple and effective: Initialize them


If you do that  for every variable you use, then you  also have a kind
of documentation for them.


Use Set Errexit

Script should be run with -e option or set -o errexit


Using this option forces bash script to exit on first error.

man bash:

         -e      Exit immediately if a simple command (see SHELL GRAMMAR above)
                 exits with a non-zero status.  The shell does not exit if  the
                 command  that  fails  is  part of the command list immediately
                 following a while or until keyword, part of the test in an  if
                 statement, part of a && or || list, or if the command's return
                 value is being inverted via !.  A trap on ERR, if set, is exe-
                 cuted before the shell exits.

`set -o errexit` is the same as `set -e`.

Use Set Nounset

Always use 'set -u' or 'set -o nounset' in scripts


Quote from:

Use set -u

    How often have you written a script that broke because a variable
    wasn't set? I know I have, many times.

rm -rf $chroot/usr/share/doc 

    If you ran the script above and accidentally forgot to give a
    parameter, you would have just deleted all of your system
    documentation rather than making a smaller chroot. So what can you
    do about it? Fortunately bash provides you with set -u, which will
    exit your script if you try to use an uninitialised variable. You
    can also use the slightly more readable set -o nounset.

% bash /tmp/
david% bash -u /tmp/
/tmp/ line 3: $1: unbound variable