This document describes specifications of Nagira API: endpoints, HTTP methods and output.
Examples of the curl command and output are given in FEATURES file.
Supported Output formats
Output format is specified by extension at the end of the HTTP request. It can be 1 of .xml
, .json
or .yaml
. If output specifier is absent Nagira will use default configured format (see CONFIGURATION.
Default responses
- Status: 200
- Data: either Hash or Array (one of the supported types)
For not existing routes, object not found or object not configured in Nagios, 404 is returned. At the momemnt it is impossible to distinquish between non-existing routes and non-existing object(s).
Top level routes
General information
API endpoints in General section do not provide Nagios information, they are used to receive from Nagira information related to Nagira application itself and Nagios instance Nagira talks to.
- Returned attributes
Provides general information about Nagira application, no nested routes.
GET /_api
Prints out available routes on the Nagira application. No nested sub-routes.
- Returned data: routes available for each HTTP method:
GET /_runtime
Print runtime Nagira environment configuration. No nested sub-routes.
Available: since Nagira version > 0.2.1
- Returned data:
- name of the application (Nagira)version
- Hash with runtime environment of Nagiraenvironment
- development, test or productionhome
- home directory of the UNIX user running Nagira application (for example:nagios
- UNIX user running Nagira application (for example:nagios
- PATH's to Nagios configuration files parsed by Nagiraconfig
- nagios.cfgstatus
- status.datobjects
- objects.cachecommands
- remote command file (pipe)
Nagios server information
Nagios information section describes methods for accessing Nagios objects and status information, as well as updating status information.
GET /_config
Nagios server configuration information: location of Nagios configuration files, log files, various setting usually found in main Nagios configuration file nagios.cfg
No nested sub routes/endpoints available.
- Returned data:
Hash with all configuration options of Nagios server.
See for example:
All attributes are formatted exactly as they are read from nagios.cfg
file without any conversions.
API Extensions
and /_status
family of routes support extensions _list
, _state
and _full
and can use of both plural and singular names of resources. Specifications below show where each one of the extensions can or can not be used.
and _full
Either _list
, _state
or _full
keyword can be appended to the HTTP request path at the end to modify response as:
option produces only list of hosts/services_state
- gives short status of host or service_full
- provide where available extended status information
For example:
- will provide full list of all hosts together with host-status information, but/_status/_list
- provides only list of hosts as an array.
Note: _list
modifier changes output type of the request. /_status
and /_object
request can return either Hash or Array, depending on other parts of request (see below, plural vs singular) but _list
request always returns Array.
Plural and singular resources
Nagira API up to version 0.2.1 used Nagios resources as nouns in singular form ('host', 'hostgroup', 'service', 'contact'), same way as they are used by Nagios. In order to support ActiveResource type of requests, use of pluralized resources has been added.
ActiveResource expects JSON output of search result in the form of Array, but Nagira provides results as Hash. So, in order to be ActiveResource compliant without breaking backward compatibility, following rule is used:
- if HTTP request points to resource in singular form, Nagira outputs Hash
- otherwise it outputs an Array
Where this is available following forms of request are supported:
- /_status/host/[name] - singular (Nagira/Nagios)
- /_status/hosts/[name] - plural (ActiveResource)
- /_status/hosts/[id] - by ID (ActiveResource)
Read Nagios objects configuration
GET /_objects
All Nagios object configurations grouped into Hash subtrees by resource type (host, service, contact, command).
List of all possible objects can be obtained from
Note Only currently configured objects are listed.
- Method GET
- Output data: Hash
- Supports extension
: yes_state
: no- plural resources: n/a
GET /_objects/:type
Read object type configuration. Object types are supported by Nagios.
- Method GET
- Parameter(s): object type, one of ( timeperiod, command, contactgroup, hostgroup, contact, host, service)
- Output data: Hash
- Supports extension
: yes- plural resources: yes
- Object types
GET /_objects/:type/:name
Read configuration of one object.
- Method GET
- object type, (see /_objects/:type)
- object name
curl localhost:4567/_objects/hostgroup/all
Read host and services status
Host status and host services status
GET /_status
Get all hosts status, see Nagira#get_status
GET /_status/:hostname
Read hoststatus for single host, see Nagira#get_status_hostname_services
GET /_status/:hostname/_services
- Read all services for single host. Not including host state information.
GET /status/:hostname/_services/:servicename
Read single services for single host. Not including host state information.
Subrotes _hostcomments and _servicecomments return comment for the host or service.
GET /status/:hostname/servicecomments
Data: Hash
curl -s localhost:4567/_status/archive/_servicecomments | jsonlint { "Disk space": [ { "host_name": "archive", "service_description": "Disk space", "entry_type": "4", "comment_id": "38", "source": "0", "persistent": "0", "entry_time": "1373457035", "expires": "0", "expire_time": "0", "author": "dmytro", "comment_data": "Need to verify what to delete." } ] }
GET /status/:hostname/hostcomments
Data: Array
$ curl -s localhost:4567/_status/archive/_hostcomments [ { "entry_type": "1", "comment_id": "40", "source": "1", "persistent": "1", "entry_time": "1375778132", "expires": "0", "expire_time": "0", "author": "dmytro", "comment_data": "Testing Host Comment --dk" } ]
Read Servicegroup status
GET /_status/_servicegroup/:servicegroup
- Services information for single servicegroup.
- Output: Hash
- Params: :servicegroup - name of the service group
- Output data format:
{ "<hostname>":
"<servicename>" :
{ "key" : "value", ...},
- Example (YAML)
$ curl localhost:4567/_status/_servicegroup/ping.yaml
host_name: archive
service_description: PING
modified_attributes: '0'
check_command: check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%
- Only show list of hosts and services
- Example (JSON)
$ curl localhost:4567/_status/_servicegroup/ping/_list
- Short status information
- Including: hostname, service description (AKA name), and current status
- Example (YAML)
Read hostgroup status
GET /_status/_hostgroup/:hostgroup
- Host and services information for a hostgroup
- Output: Hash
- Params :hostgroup - hostgroup name
- Data format:
{ "<hostname>":
"hoststatus" :
{ "key" : "value", ...},
"servicestatus" :
"<servicename>" :
{ "key" : "value", ...},
- Example
"gateway": {
"hoststatus": {
"host_name": "gateway",
"modified_attributes": "0",
"check_command": "check-host-alive",
"notification_period": "_24x7",
"servicestatus": {
"PING": {
"host_name": "gateway",
"service_description": "PING",
"modified_attributes": "0",
"check_command": "check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%",
"check_period": "_24x7",
GET /status/_hostgroup/:hostgroup/service
- Output: Hash
- Services information for a hostgroup
- Params :hostgroup - hostgroup name
- Data format:
{ "hostname": { "service_name": { "key" : "value", ...}, ... }, ...}
- Example:
"gateway": {
"PING": {
"host_name": "gateway",
"service_description": "PING",
"modified_attributes": "0",
"check_command": "check_ping!100.0,20%!500.0,60%",
"check_period": "_24x7",
"notification_period": "_24x7",
"check_interval": "1.000000",
"retry_interval": "1.000000",
GET /status/_hostgroup/:hostgroup/host
- Output: Hash
- Host status information for a hostgroup
- Params :hostgroup - hostgroup name
- Data format:
{ "hostname": { "key" : "value", ...}, ... }
- Example:
"gateway": {
"host_name": "gateway",
"modified_attributes": "0",
"check_command": "check-host-alive",
"notification_period": "_24x7",
"check_interval": "5.000000",
"retry_interval": "1.000000",
"has_been_checked": "1",